Three Gardens Bees Love

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Bee Gardens. How do you create a garden that attracts bees? For the maximum punch year round there are three gardens you should consider growing:

Naturalized Garden

First, create a Native Wildflower Garden. Find a corner of the yard to use as a meadow of mixed plants of varying heights and shapes. Near it, keep a small mud puddle of swallow water. If possible, naturalize violets, clover and dandelions into your yard near the vegetable garden. Your cucumbers, melons and squash, plants that need a lot of pollination to produce healthy fruit, will thrive.

Plant natives:

  • Beardtongue, Penstemon – Southeast
  • Mountain Mint, New England Aster – Northeast
  • Lanceleaf, Milkweed – Midwest
  • Blanket Flower, Native Salvia – Southwest

Let the garden take care of itself. Leaving it undistributed through winter creates an friendly winter habitat.

Flower Garden

Second, build a Flower Garden.  Create a bed of well drained soil and plant a variety of annuals and perennials.  Plant them in swatches with a variety of single-bloom and daisy like flowers. Colorful yellow, white and blue flowers are a big hit with bees. Coneflower, asters, sunflowers, poppies and Black-eyed-Susan’s are good choices. For fall gardens, plant annuals such cosmos, sunflower, and calendula.

Herb Gardens

Third, use a sunny spot to plant prolific blooming herbs. Plant them in mounds, keeping your ground-covering herbs like thyme separate from the taller herbs like rosemary. Mints, rosemary, lavender, sage, bee-balm and cilantro are good choices. Mints can become over-power a garden, so keep them in a spot for easy harvesting.

Thriving Bee Garden Recipe: Grow natives. Stir in a mix fragment herbs with splashes of yellow, white and blue, single-bloom daisy-like flowers. Add a dab of mud puddle. Keep the natives happy and spare a few dandelion and clover in your yard.


Happy Gardening!


Bee Pollinators Books By Heather Holm

Wildflowers for Every Garden

Attracting Pollinators To Your Garden Using Native Plants, U.S. Forest Service

Gardening Know How